+ 1 map

  • Last Post 16 February 2020
A posted this 16 July 2017

Playing the game these days, I thought about the necessity of at least one more map. The main reason is because we have to catch almost 800 pokemons. Imagine reaching Season 7, and you have to complete your Pokedex. It will be very difficult, since we have to search amongst Pokemons of ALL seasons before. Maybe players will be busy trying to earn some positions on rankings, but for me, complete the Pokedex is the ultimate goal.

The suggestion goes towards making easier to find Pokemons while you progress goes on in game. A new map would help to reduce the overwriting of pokemons of different seasons when you search. A map specific for Bug types, for example, or normal types.

What do you guys think?

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Anna posted this 16 February 2020

Playing the game these days, I thought about the necessity of at least one more map. The main reason is because we have to catch almost 800 pokemons. Imagine reaching Season 7, and you have to complete your Pokedex. It will be very difficult, since we have to search amongst Pokemons of ALL seasons before. Maybe players will be busy trying to earn some positions on rankings, but for me, complete the Pokedex is the ultimate goal.

The suggestion goes towards making easier to find Pokemons while you progress goes on in game. A new map would help to reduce the overwriting of pokemons of different seasons when you search. A map specific for Bug types, for example, or normal types.

What do you guys think?

Anna posted this 16 February 2020

Playing the game these days, I thought about the necessity of at least one more map. The main reason is because we have to catch almost 800 pokemons. Imagine reaching Season 7, and you have to complete your Pokedex. It will be very difficult, since we have to search amongst Pokemons of ALL seasons before. Maybe players will be busy trying to earn some positions on rankings, but for me, complete the Pokedex is the ultimate goal.

The suggestion goes towards making easier to find Pokemons while you progress goes on in game. A new map would help to reduce the overwriting of pokemons of different seasons when you search. A map specific for Bug types, for example, or normal types.

What do you guys think?

ENCampus posted this 06 January 2018

This is a great idea! I wish that there will be more maps and more limited pokemon for each map because as you unlock new generations, the variety of pokemon increases which makes it difficult to collect all pokemon. I hope this will be applied.

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